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2016 IEEE第二届南方电力电子会议
时间:2016-12-03 22:36   来源:未知   作者:admin   点击:

The 2nd IEEE Southern Power Electronics Conference, SPEC 2016, offers an ideal opportunity for researchers, engineers, academics and students from all over the world to bring the latest technological advances and applications in Power Electronics to the Southern Hemisphere, as well as to network and promote the discipline.

Cutting edge researchers in this field will present keynote speeches during a four day programme that also features tutorials and technical sessions on theory, analysis, design, testing and advances within the field of power electronics.

The conference venue, The University of Auckland, is situated in the vibrant city of Auckland - the commercial city of New Zealand. Conference delegates can anticipate a beautiful ‘clean & green’ landscape and a social programme that includes exciting outdoor activities, scrumptious food and fine New Zealand hospitality. Scholarships are offered for students, and the papers presented at the conference will be included in the IEEEXplore Digital Library. 

主办单位:The University of Auckland


会议时间:December 5-8, 2016 

会议地点:Auckland, New Zealand




Wireless EV charging;

Alternative capacitive and ultrasonic wireless power transfer technologies;

Wireless EV charging : Magnetics;

Energy harvesting and wireless power network;

High power converters ;

AC-DC converters;

AC-AC converters;

DC-DC converters;

Permanent magnet and reluctance machines: design, control and applications;

AC machines: design, control and applications;

Multilevel converters; 

Sensorless control and other advanced control methods for converters and electrical drives;

Smart, AC, DC and micro/nano grids;

Power electronics in HVDC, HVAC and FACTS;

Power quality issues, harmonic problems and solutions;

High density power converters;

Renewable energy sources: grid integration and stand-alone operation;

Energy storage systems;

Active and passive devices for power electronics;

Fault tolerant and diagnostic techniques and applications;

Power electronics in mechatronics and robotics ;

Power electronics in transportation and mobility;

Power electronics in bio-medical applications; 


征文截稿日期:JUNE 27, 2016

论文录用日期:ULY 31, 2016  

论文终稿日期:OCT. 03, 2016 

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