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The International Conference on Financial Systems Engineering and Risk Management
时间:2017-04-27 11:55   来源:未知   作者:admin   点击:

In 2017 when we have orgnized The International Conference on Financial Systems Engineering and Risk Management for 15 years, the Chinese economy is developing in the new normal and the world economy is full of uncertainty in the process of recovery, At this time, how does financial innovation serve structural economic restructuring? How to deal with the new challenges of reform? How can financial system risk be prevented and resolved? All of them are testing our wisdom. In order to promote the experts and scholarsfocus of the relevant field of financial systems engineering and risk management to discuss the focus of the relevant areas and problem need to be solved urgently, the 15th International Conference on Financial Systems Engineering and Risk Management (FSERM'2017) will be held at the Beihang University (XueYuan Road) in October 14-15, 2017.
The theme of this conference is "Systematic Thinking in Financial Innovation". We will invite global academia, industry and regulators related persons in the areas of financial systems engineering and risk management, to explore how to use the system engineering thinking for financial innovation and risk management in a comprehensive deepening reform environment, so as to promote the deepening of academic research and the transformation of academic achievements, to serve the needs of Chiese economic and financial development. 

主办单位:National Natural Science Foundation of China, China


会议时间:October 14-15, 2017  

会议地点Beijing, China




Financial Innovation in Complex Environment 
Financial Risk Management and Regulation under Systematic Thinking 
Financial Derivatives 
Asset Pricing 
Behavioral Finance 
Corporate Finance 
Computational Finance 
Experimental Finance 
Big Data Analysisand Internet Finance 
Macroeconomics and Finance


征文截稿日期:July 31, 2017

论文录用日期:August 15, 2017 


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