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2017 Academic Seminar on High Magnetic Field
时间:2017-04-27 11:42   来源:未知   作者:admin   点击:

It is our great honour to welcome you to 2017 Academic Seminar on High Magnetic Field, hosted by the High Magnetic Field Laboratory,Chinese Acedemy of Science, We are look forward to welcoming our friends and colleagues from homeland as well as all over the world. 
      Materials research in recent decades has made it increasingly clear that the behavior of an assembly of interacting electrons will routinely surprise us with entirely unexpected phenomena when probed in high magnetic fields. The years ahead promise even more great scientific excitement for research in high magnetic fields. Communicating this excitement, identifying emerging research areas, fostering close and broad collaborative research, and eventually advancing our understanding of new physics are the goals of this conference.The newly established High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, which features the highest steady magnetic fields (up to 38.5 Tesla) along with a widerange of measurement probes in Asia, will also provide the  potential users with insights into recent advances and a user-oriented research program in the laboratory. 

主办单位:The High Magnetic Field Laboratory,Chinese Acedemy of Science


会议时间:2017-06-3 2017-6-6   

会议地点:Hefei China




Materials research


征文截稿日期: May 25th, 2017



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