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时间:2016-12-03 22:37   来源:未知   作者:admin   点击:

2017 2nd International Symposium on Mathematics and Computer Science (ISMCS2017) is an optimal platform for academic communications, exchange of ideas and inspirations between specialists and scholars in the fields related to mathematics and computer science, including hot issues such as mobile computing, cloud-based infrastructure, parallel and distributed systems.

2017 2nd International Symposium on Mathematics and Computer Science (ISMCS2017) will be held at Suzhou, China during Jul. 25-26, 2017. Suzhou, formerly romanized as Soochow, is a major city located in southeastern Jiangsu Province of East China, about 100 km northwest of Shanghai. It is a major economic center and focal point of trade and commerce, and the second largest city in the province after its capital Nanjing. The city is divided by the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal from north to south. Since 42% area of the city is covered by water, including a vast number of ponds and streams, it is praised as the 'Venice of the Orient'. 









Foundations and Philosophy: Mathematical Logic

Foundations and Philosophy: Set Theory

Foundations and Philosophy: Category Theory

Foundations and Philosophy: Theory of Computation

Pure Mathematics: Arithmetic

Pure Mathematics: Algebra

Pure Mathematics: Geometry

Pure Mathematics: Analysis

Applications of Mathematics in Mechanical Engineering

Applications of Mathematics in Computer Engineering

Applications of Mathematics in Biology Engineering

Applications of Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Applications of Mathematics in Materials Engineering

Applications of Mathematics in Energy and Power Engineering

Applications of Mathematics in Automation

Applications of Mathematics in Civil Engineering and Mechanics

Applications of Mathematics in Physics

Applications of Mathematics in Economics

Applications of Mathematics in Management

Computer Science:

Theoretical Computer Science: Theory of Computation

Theoretical Computer Science: Information and Coding Theory

Theoretical Computer Science: Algorithms and Data Structures

Theoretical Computer Science: Programming Language Theory

Theoretical Computer Science: Formal Methods

Applied Computer Science: Artificial Intelligence

Applied Computer Science: Computer Architecture and Engineering

Applied Computer Science: Computer Performance Analysis

Applied Computer Science: Computer Graphics and Visualization

Applied Computer Science: Computer Security and Cryptography

Applied Computer Science: Computational Science

Applied Computer Science: Computer Networks

Applied Computer Science: Concurrent

Applied Computer Science: Parallel and Distributed Systems

Applied Computer Science: Databases

Applied Computer Science: Software Engineering


征文截稿日期:Apr. 10, 2017

论文录用日期:20-40 days after the submission 

论文终稿日期:20-50 days after the final edition  

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