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2017 3rd International Conference on Engineering and Technology
时间:2017-04-20 17:07   来源:未知   作者:admin   点击:
       2017 3rd International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICETECH2017) shows her sincere welcome to you to attend. It will cover core Instrumentation topics related to control systems, embedded systems, industrial instrumentation, measurement systems as well as sustainable energy systems. The objective of the conference is to disperse the latest developments in the interdisciplinary field of Instrumentation to provide a platform for the future developments of the same. It will provide a valuable opportunity for researchers, scholars and some scientists to exchange their ideas face to face together. ICETECH2017 is very special for its strong organization team, dependable reputation and wide sponsors all around the world.
       We are very sincere to invite you to take part in 2017 3rd International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICETECH2017) in Beijing, China on January 14-15 2017. It will bring you an unexpected harvest. In the future, you may be a member of our big family. Therefore, it will be a good chance for you to make friends in scholarism.



会议时间:January 14-15 2017   

会议地点:Beijing, China  


电子邮件: ICETECH2017@163.COM 

      submission include, but are not limited to:
      Industrial Instrumentation:    
        Haptic interface
        Mechanical vibrations
        Process measurements and devices
        Statistical process control
     Image processing:
        Video signal processing
        Speech and audio signal processing
        Biometrics in security and health diagnosis
        Signal processing in CDMA/WCDMA
       征文截稿日期:December 31, 2016
       论文录用日期:2-3 Weeks after Submission  

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