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2017 5th International Conference on Learning and Teaching in Computing and Engineering
时间:2017-04-20 17:07   来源:未知   作者:admin   点击:
        2017 5th International Conference on Learning and Teaching in Computing and Engineering (LATICE2017) shows her sincere welcome to you to attend it. LATICE is a leading annual conference of Comptuer Science and Electronic Technology International Society for all researchers home and abroad. With the rapid development of industry and information technology, researchers in all fields begin to discuss some new ideas connected with information technology. In this conference, the author(s) can put their focus on Computer Science and Engineering Education. and LATICE will provide a valuable opportunity for researchers ,scholars and some scientists to exchange their ideas face to face together. LATICE is very special for its strong organization team, dependable reputation and wide sponsors all around the world.

        We are very sincere to invite you to take part in 2017 5th International Conference on Learning and Teaching in Computing and Engineering (LATICE2017) in Beijing , China on Jan 14-15 2017. LATICE is sponsored by Computer Science and Electronic Technology International Society. It will bring you an unexpected harvest. In the future, you may be a member of our big family. Therefore, it will be a good chance for you to make friends in scholarism.


承办单位:National Cheng Kung University 

会议时间:Jan 14-15 2017   

会议地点:Beijing , China 



      Main Conference Themes:
        Computer Science and Engineering Education research
        Secondary School Computer Science
        ICT in Education
        Computing and engineering education research, theories, and methodologies
        Cross-cultural aspects of computing and engineering education
        Educational technology, software, and tools
        Course module design, proficiency assessment, and module cross-accreditation
        Improving student engagement in computing and engineering
        Collaborative learning in computing and engineering- team and project ski
       征文截稿日期:January 5, 2017
       论文录用日期:1-2 Weeks after Submission  

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