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Networks and Spatial Economics
时间:2017-07-28 11:49   来源:未知   作者:admin   点击:
   主管单位:Springer International Publishing AG.
   主办单位:Springer International Publishing AG.
   国际刊号:ISSN:1566-113X(Print);1572-9427 (Online)
   杂志类型:Supports Open Access
   期刊查询:SCI-E Compendex
   期刊级别:SCI-E Compendex

       Networks and Spatial Economics (NETS) is devoted to the mathematical and numerical study of economic activities facilitated by human infrastructure, broadly defined to include technologies pertinent to information, telecommunications, the Internet, transportation, energy storage and transmission, and water resources. Because the spatial organization of infrastructure most generally takes the form of networks, the journal encourages submissions that employ a network perspective. However, non-network continuum models are also recognized as an important tradition that has provided great insight into spatial economic phenomena; consequently, the journal welcomes with equal enthusiasm submissions based on continuum models.
       In light of its scope, the intended readership of and contributors to NETS are spatial economists, geographers, regional scientists, applied mathematicians, operations research analysts, infrastructure engineers and other researchers concerned with the spatial organization and operation of infrastructure in both the public and private sectors. Indeed the journal's Editorial Board is drawn from just such a mixture of disciplines.

       The journal welcomes the full spectrum of high quality work in networks and spatial economics including theoretical studies, case studies and algorithmic investigations, as well as manuscripts that combine these aspects. Although not devoted exclusively to theoretical studies, the journal is "theory-friendly". That is, well thought out theoretical analyses of important network and spatial economic problems will be considered without bias even if they do not include case studies or numerical examples. 
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