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Addictive Behaviors
时间:2017-07-28 10:59   来源:未知   作者:admin   点击:
   杂志类型:Supports Open Access
   期刊查询:SCI-E Compendex
   期刊级别:SCI-E Compendex

       Addictive Behaviors is an international peer-reviewed journal publishing high quality human research on addictive behaviors and disorders since 1976. The journal accepts submissions of full-length papers and short communications on substance-related addictions such as the abuse of alcohol, drugs and nicotine and behavioral addictions such as compulsive gambling and internet excesses. We primarily publish behavioral and psychosocial research but our articles span the fields of psychology, sociology, psychiatry, epidemiology, social policy, medicine, pharmacology and neuroscience. While theoretical orientations are diverse, the emphasis of the journal is primarily empirical. That is, sound experimental design combined with valid, reliable assessment and evaluation procedures are a requisite for acceptance. However, innovative and empirically oriented case studies that might encourage new lines of inquiry are accepted as well. Studies that clearly contribute to current knowledge of etiology, prevention, social policy or treatment are given priority. Scholarly commentaries on topical issues, systematic reviews, and mini reviews are encouraged. We especially welcome multimedia papers that incorporate video or audio components to better display methodology or findings.

       Papers may include epidemiological, laboratory-based, or community-based research on        prevention and/or treatment of opioid overdose, misuse of opioids (prescribed or illicit), and opioid-use disorders. Specific topics of interest include:
• Community-based aINApproaches to overdose prevention;
• Prediction and prevention of opioid-use disorders in people being treated for pain;
• Role of pain and other comorbidities including use of other substances in the development and treatment of opioid addiction;
• Best practices in tapering opioids or opioid agonist treatment;
• Interventions to reduce inappropriate prescribing;
• Overcoming barriers to treatment for opioid-use disorders;
• Improving adoption and adherence of evidence-based treatment for opioid-use disorders;
• Geography of opioid-use disorders and overdose;
• Gaps in need versus availability of treatment, and strategies to address them;
• Cost-effectiveness of behavioral and pharmacological interventions for opioid-use disorders;
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