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Journal of Chemical Ecology
时间:2017-08-03 15:26   来源:未知   作者:admin   点击:
   主管单位:Springer International Publishing AG.
   主办单位:Springer International Publishing AG.
   国际刊号:ISSN:0098-0331(Print);1573-1561 (Online)
   杂志类型:Supports Open Access
   期刊查询:SCI Compendex
   期刊级别:SCI Compendex


       Journal of Chemical Ecology is devoted to promoting an ecological understanding of the origin, function, and significance of natural chemicals that mediate interactions within and between organisms. Such relationships, often adaptively important, comprise the oldest of communication systems in terrestrial and aquatic environments. The strong interdisciplinary association that has developed between chemists and biologists has accelerated our understanding of these interactions in nature.

       Scientific contributions, including review articles, original research papers, rapid communications, and Letters to the Editor are welcome from either members or nonmembers of the International Society of Chemical Ecology. Manuscripts must be in English. They may include substantive observations of interactions in nature, the elucidation of the chemical compounds involved, the mechanisms of their production and reception, and the translation of such basic information into survey and control protocols.

       To be considered for peer review, the following criteria should be met:

(1)Papers must contain an ecological rationale.

(2)Papers should contain both chemical and ecological/behavioral elements. Purely chemical or ecological/behavioral papers usually are not appropriate. However, chemical papers that emphasize structure/function, or behavioral ones that demonstrate some novel phenomenon will be considered.

(3)Papers whose focus is the search for new drugs, herbicides, or insecticides are not appropriate.   Applied chemical ecology is an appropriate subject matter so long as the work is based on  ecological (4)problems or concerns.

(4)Papers whose focus is environmental science should not be submitted to JCE unless the work involves demonstration of effects that disrupt chemical ecology.

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