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Muscle Coordination Control for an Asymmetrically Antagonistic-Driven Musculoskeletal Robot Using Att
时间:2018-09-16 21:55   来源:未知   作者:admin   点击:
        Abstract:Recently, numerous musculoskeletal robots have been developed to realize the flexibility and dexterity analogous to human beings and animals. However, because the arrangement of many actuators is complex, the design of the control system for the robot is difficult and challenging. We believe that control methods inspired by living things are important in the development of the control systems for musculoskeletal robots. In this study, we propose a muscle coordination control method using attractor selection, a biologically inspired search method, for an antagonistic-driven musculoskeletal robot in which various muscles (monoarticular muscles and a polyarticular muscle) are arranged asymmetrically. First, muscle coordination control models for the musculoskeletal robot are built using virtual antagonistic muscle structures with a virtually symmetric muscle arrangement. Next, the attractor selection is applied to the control model and subsequently applied to the previous control model without muscle coordination to compare the control model’s performance. Finally, position control experiments are conducted, and the effectiveness of the proposed muscle coordination control and the virtual antagonistic muscle structure is evaluated.
1. Introduction
        Human beings and animals move flexibly and dexterously by controlling their musculoskeletal system with the brain. To understand and imitate the flexible and dexterous motion of human beings and animals, several musculoskeletal robots have recently been developed. The primary driving mechanism in musculoskeletal robots is a tendon-driven assembly using motors [1, 2] or pneumatic artificial muscles (PAMs). In particular, using PAMs as actuators enables flexible movement of the musculoskeletal robot compared with conventional robots that use motors because the compressibility and low viscosity of air provide compliance and rapid contraction. The extremely high power-to-weight ratio of the PAM is also good for flexible and dynamic motion.
        The musculoskeletal robot comprises antagonistic-driven systems. An antagonistic-driven system includes two or more actuators for joint movement. The actuators are antagonistically arranged around one link, and their output characteristics and arrangements are, for the most part, symmetrical.
        Many studies have proposed the musculoskeletal robots comprising this simple antagonistic system, and various control methods (e.g., PID control, neural network, and fuzzy logic) have also been proposed for musculoskeletal robots [3–8]. However, the drive system of our musculoskeletal robot [9] differs from a simple antagonistic-driven system because the output characteristics and the arrangements of the actuators of the robot are not symmetrical.
        This robot has two kinds of PAM actuators, a monoarticular muscle that drives one joint and a polyarticular muscle that drives multiple joints consecutively. Therefore, the mechanism that drives each joint is not symmetrical. Furthermore, the actuators are not arranged symmetrically, although each actuator is antagonistically arranged around each link. Since each actuator is not arranged symmetrically and the sensors for measuring each joint angle are not arranged, design of the control system for the robot is more difficult and challenging.

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