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Phase-Shift Keying Modulated Data Signal Using SOA-MZI-Based All-Optical Logic AND Gate at 80 Gb/s
时间:2018-08-31 22:05   来源:未知   作者:admin   点击:
        Abstract:All-optical logic AND operation with phase-shift keying (PSK) modulated data signals based on a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) assisted Mach-Zehnder interferometer is numerically analyzed and investigated. By solving the rate equations of the SOA, the dependence of the quality factor on the critical parameters of the input signal and the SOA is examined, including the impact of the amplified spontaneous emission to obtain realistic results. The obtained results confirm that the all-optical logic AND scheme with PSK modulated data signals is capable of operating at a data rate of 80 Gb/s with both logical correctness and acceptable quality compared to the system using on-off-keying signal.
1. Introduction
       Modulation is the transfer process of information over a medium. Recently, advanced optical modulation formats have attracted increased attention. Some of these formats carry information through the amplitude, which is known as amplitude modulation (AM). In AM, the amplitude of the carrier changes in response to the information by keeping the frequency and the phase constants. In many applications, AM is being replaced by frequency and phase modulation technologies even though it is not as widely used as it was in previous years. However, AM is not efficient in terms of its use of power and bandwidth and is prone to high levels of noise. In contrast, phase modulation (PM) signals convey the information in the phase itself. PM schemes are attracting much interest for use in the ultrafast optical communications systems because they are less sensitive to nonlinear fiber transmission impairments, require lower optical signal-to-noise ratio, are more robust against pattern-dependent degradations, and can give higher spectral efficiency compared to conventional intensity modulation formats [1, 2]. This fact has spurred great interest in conducting all-optical operations on phase-shift keying (PSK) modulated data so as to realize exclusively by the means of the light critical network functionalities that are compatible with the specific format. All-optical modulation based on nonlinear silicon photonics waveguide has been demonstrated [3–7]. Such all-optical logic operations are an integral part of building all-optical data networks, where packet routing, data buffering, and wavelength conversion are expected to be processed in the optical plane. For this purpose, a technical option that has been widely adopted is to employ semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs). In fact, the SOAs’ devices have technologically matured to the point that they have become the primary choice for the implementation of all-optical logic gates. SOA is the most attractive optoelectronics device due to its compact size, low power requirement, temperature stability, and ease to connect with other optoelectronics devices. In recent years, the performances of the all-optical logic AND gate based on several different schemes using SOA have been reported [8–26]. The AND is involved in the accomplishment of numerous tasks in the optical domain both in fundamental and in system-oriented level [26]. Various SOA-based schemes for the demonstration of all-optical logic gates using PSK modulated data signals have been reported [27–33]. This activity has also included the execution of the Boolean AND operation on the PSK modulated data signals [31], which has been possible owing to the capability of the SOAs to handle the phase modulated signals as well [32]. However, these demonstrations cannot conveniently keep pace with the excessive increase in single-channel data rates due to the slow SOA’s gain and phase recovery. The performances of all-optical logic XOR and OR gates for 100 Gb/s PSK modulated data signal in SOAs assisted Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) have been numerically analyzed [34, 35]. In this work, we continue and generalize the relevant results of previous works [31, 35] by investigating the performance of an all-optical AND gate using PSK modulated data signals based on SOAs-MZI at a data rate of 80 Gb/s. The dependence of the gate’s quality factor (QF) on the critical parameters of the input signals and the SOAs has been examined and assessed. For realistic results, the effect of the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) on the QF has also been included. The outcome of our work complements the set of all-optical gates that have been addressed so far for PSK signals.

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