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EI Compendex Source List(2022年1月)
EI Compendex Source List(2020年1月)
EI Compendex Source List(2019年5月)
EI Compendex Source List(2018年9月)
EI Compendex Source List(2018年5月)
EI Compendex Source List(2018年1月)
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Water and gas, as the two most common fluids and primary geologic forces, are crucial components in various geological processes. Gas-water-rock interactions play indispensable roles in the evolution of geoenvironmental issues. For example, the accurate prediction of groundwater flow and contaminant transport requires a profound understanding of physicochemical processes that occur among liquid, solid, and gas phases [1]. At present, more attention should be paid to gas-water-rock interactions related to the transport and retention of toxic contaminants such as heavy metals and organic contaminants in aquifers and vadose zones, due to the release of toxic contaminants from intensive human activities [2]. In addition, a gas-water-rock reaction might change the stress field, groundwater seepage field, and properties of rocks and soils, which subsequently leads to the instability of slope and landslide hazards [3]. A rapid sliding rock mass is likely to trigger waves or stir the atmosphere generating air blasts and facilitating its transport, both aggravating the hazards. 2. Contents of the Special Issue In the paper “Sources Identification of Nitrogen Using Major Ions and Isotopic Tracers in Shenyang, China,” H. Huang et al. used multiproxy analysis in their research (stable isotope analyses in combination with chemical and hydrogeological data of the study area) to investigate the interactions between surface water and groundwater, as well as to identify the source of nitrogen contamination in groundwater in Shenyang City, China. δ18Owater and δ2Hwater were used to determine the amount of surface water that was discharged into groundwater, while δ18Onitrate and δ15Nnitrate were employed to determine the sources of nitrate and ammonium in groundwater, which are the main contaminants in the study area. According to the results, the reducing environment in groundwater may result from the prevailing iron and manganese, occurring from the weathering of minerals and rocks, which prevents the ammonium being oxidized into nitrate. The ratios of the recharge from the Hun River into groundwater were also identified. Multiproxy analysis also indicated that human activities, such as manure and sewage discharge, are the prevailing source of nitrogen in the waters. In the paper “A Statistical Constitutive Model considering Deterioration for Brittle Rocks under a Coupled Thermal-Mechanical Condition,” M. Gao et al. investigated constitutive behaviors of rocks under thermal-mechanical coupling conditions. A statistical damage constitutive model was firstly established on the basis of Weibull’s distribution, by considering the thermal effects and crack initiation strength. Then, the parameters of the model were determined and expressed according to the characteristics of the stress-strain curve. Finally, the model was verified by conventional triaxial experiments of granite under thermal-mechanical actions (25 MPa, 40°C–60°C). The results show a relatively good coincidence between experimental curves and theoretical curves in the case studies. The validity of the model was therefore confirmed. In the paper “Integration of an Iterative Update of Sparse Geologic Dictionaries with ES-MDA for History Matching of Channelized Reservoirs,” S. Kim et al. proposed to couple an iterative sparse coding in a transformed space with an ensemble smoother with multiple data assimilation (ES-MDA) for dealing with the non-Gaussian problem. In this approach, discrete cosine transform (DCT) is followed by the repetition of K-singular value composition (K-SVD) for constructing sparse geologic dictionaries that preserve geological features of the channelized reservoir. Two channelized gas reservoirs were used to validate the proposed algorithm and the results show that the integration of DCT and iterative K-SVD improves the matching performance of gas rate, water rate, bottom-hole pressure, and channel properties with geological plausibility. ![]() |