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EI Compendex Source List(2022年1月)
EI Compendex Source List(2020年1月)
EI Compendex Source List(2019年5月)
EI Compendex Source List(2018年9月)
EI Compendex Source List(2018年5月)
EI Compendex Source List(2018年1月)
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Keywords:Attractants Biting midges Vectors Arbovirus Carbon dioxide Host-odours Kairomones Repellents Introduction Culicoides biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopognidae) are vectors of viruses of both medical and veterinary importance (Purse and Venter 2015). African horse sickness virus (AHSV), epizootic haemorrhagic disease virus (EHDV) and bluetongue virus (BTV) are listed by the Office International des Epizooties as posing a high risk to animal health where competent vectors are present. The emergence of Schmallenberg disease in Europe has further highlighted the importance of these insects in transmitting new zoonoses endangering animal welfare (Carpenter et al. 2013). Even in the absence of disease, the pain and distress of Culicoides blood feeding causes major economic losses (Mordue and Mordue 2003), and can result in life-threatening allergic reactions (Carpenter et al. 2008a). Culicoides impunctatus is geographically one of the most widespread pest species of biting midge across the West Palaearctic region (Mathieu et al. 2012). The species has a broad host range, including both wildlife and livestock (Blackwell et al. 1995), and causes economic losses to tourism and forestry through voracious blood feeding on people (Hendry and Godwin 1988). Female C. impunctatus are autogenous, producing one batch of eggs prior to a blood meal, facilitating population growth up to huge densities even where hosts are not readily available (Blackwell et al. 1992; Boorman and Goddard 1970). In addition to being a serious economic pest, C. impunctatus is also susceptible to infection by BTV, as determined under laboratory conditions (Carpenter et al. 2006). Given the high population densities and biting rates that can be attained by C. impunctatus, the potential of this species to act as a vector of disease cannot be entirely discounted (Purse et al. 2012). Currently there are few effective tools for the surveillance and control of biting midge populations (Carpenter et al. 2008a). Traps baited with carbon dioxide (CO2) and 1-octen-3-ol, kairomones emitted by mammalian hosts, have been tested and marketed for controlling populations of biting midge, including C. impunctatus (Mands et al. 2004). While successful in capturing biting midges, these traps were originally designed for catching mosquitoes, and may not be fully optimized for use against C. impunctatus and other biting midge species. Laboratory and field studies have demonstrated that C. impunctatus responds to a wide range of host-produced kairomones, including acetone, butanone, lactic acid and a number of phenolic compounds (Bhasin et al. 2000; Logan et al. 2009). The addition of cow urine and hexane extracts of hair samples from large animals have also been shown to increase the attraction of C. impunctatus to traps baited with CO2 alone, and CO2 and 1-octen-3-ol, respectively (Bhasin et al. 2001; Mands et al. 2004). While the chemical components responsible for this increase in attraction of C. impunctatus to animal odor have not been elucidated fully, in analyses by coupled gas chromatography and electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) in our laboratory volatile components have been identified from cow urine and hair that elicit antennal responses in a related species, C. nubeculosus (Isberg et al. 2016). In a laboratory behavioral assay, 1-octen-3-ol, decanal, 2-ethylhexanol, phenol and 4-methylphenol elicited attraction of C. nubeculosus when combined with CO2, whereas octanal, nonanal, (E)-2-nonenal and 3-propylphenol acted as behavioral inhibitors. The behavioral effect of these volatiles was dose dependent. The aim of this study was to determine the release rates of the compounds identified from cow urine and hair that either increase or reduce the attraction of C. impunctatus to traps baited with CO2-in the field. The experiments were conducted in Southern Sweden, an area where livestock are at risk to midge-borne diseases (Doréa et al. 2016; Hultén et al. 2013), and where biting midge populations feed voraciously on people and animals during the period between April to October (Ander et al. 2012). We discuss our findings in relation to their potential use in future surveillance and control strategies targeting biting midges. ![]() |