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Conservation and Improvement Strategy for Fogera Cattle: A Lesson for Ethiopia Ingenious Cattle Breed
时间:2017-06-30 14:14   来源:未知   作者:admin   点击:
       Abstract:The paper is initiated to design appropriate conservation strategies and breeding scheme for Fogera cattle breed that will be used as a guide for other Ethiopian indigenous cattle breed. Two types of data, on-farm and on-station, were used; the on-farm data was collected from three districts, namely, Fogera, Dera, and Bahir Dar Zuria; those are expected as the home of the breed. A total of 150 farmers, which are knowledgeable and having at least one cattle of Fogera phenotype in their herd, were purposively selected and interviewed. Additionally, farmer’s focus group discussion (FGD) was conducted to capture the historical background, population, and distribution of the breed. SPSS (version 16) and index method was used to analyze the quantitative and scoring data’s, respectively. A meeting at national and regional level was also conducted to evaluate the existing conservation strategy and to identify the major stakeholders for the strategy. The main reasons to conserve Fogera breed are due to presence of interrelated constraints, presence of unique traits of the breed, better attitude of farmers, and decreasing population trend of the breed. Community-based in situ conservation strategy, to ensure the participation of the community, was designed for the breed. With the conservation strategy, related activities like feed development, animal health interventions, market linkage, and development of cooperatives will be implemented to improve the working environment. The stakeholders that are identified as an actor in the strategy should realize their honest participation for the sustainability of conservation and improvement of the breed.
1. Introduction
       The conservation of local breeds should be considered whenever the development of animal production systems is discussed [1]. Conservation of genetic diversity is essential to the long-term survival of any species, particularly in light of changing environmental conditions [2], and is essential for management of threatened and endangered species [3] for sustainable use [4]. In the context of setting priorities for conservation, Barker [5] and Zárate and Markemann [6] suggested that the only rational criteria are the likelihood of extinction of a breed and the degree to which it possesses unique genes and threats the breed faces and farming shift in the production area.
       In Ethiopia, four cattle ranches are operating ex situ conservation measures of indigenous cattle breeds of the country. These ranches are Goba ranch that conserves Arsi cattle breed; Abernossa ranch that conserve Ethiopian Boran cattle; and Metekel and Andassa ranch that conserve Fogera cattle breed [7, 8]. But it is also clearly indicated that the success of these conservation efforts had shortcomings of political instability and/or inconsistency of development policies, limited stakeholder participation, and limitation of interventions in scope and scale that underestimates the conservation efforts [9].
       Today, a large number of indigenous breeds or varieties in the developing world are at risk of becoming extinct [10]; likewise, at the moment breeds like Sheko cattle are highly threatened as a result of interbreeding; others like Fogera, Begayit, Ogaden, and Borena cattle breeds are also facing various degrees of threat [11]. The total population number of Fogera cattle had declined from time to time and it had declined in alarming rate from 1980’s [12] to 2000’s [13] that need conservation effort for future potential use of the breed. The main threatening problems that lower both the productivity and population are genetic admixture, shift of production system, shrinkage of grazing land, and poor management practices. These problems coupled with absence of sustainable conservation strategies for indigenous cattle breed resources of the country leads to the extinction of these breeds. Therefore, this paper is initiated to identify the grassroots problems and to design appropriate conservation strategies and breeding scheme for Fogera cattle breed that will be used as a lesson for other Ethiopian indigenous cattle breed resources.

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