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Study on Quantitative Phase Imaging by Dual-Wavelength Digital Holography Microscopy
时间:2018-11-02 23:22   来源:未知   作者:admin   点击:
       Abstract:A dual-wavelength digital holographic microscopy with premagnification is proposed to obtain the object surface measurements over the large gradient. The quantitative phase images of specimens are captured in high precision by the processing of filtering and phase compensation. The phase images are acquired without phase unwrapping, which is necessary in traditional digital holographic microscopy; thereby the proposed system can greatly increase the speed of reconstruction. The results of numerical simulation and optical experiments demonstrated that the reconstructed speed increased by 37.9 times, and the relative error of measurement is 4% compared with the traditional holographic microscopy system. It means that the proposed system can directly acquire the higher quality quantitative phase distribution for specimens.
1. Introduction
      Digital holographic microscopy (DHM) is a powerful technology for the measurement of microscopic samples by recording and reconstructing the amplitude and phase of the wave. The dual-wavelength digital holographic microscopy uses two different wavelength lasers to simultaneously record the hologram and numerically reconstruct the phase information according to phase distribution under two wavelengths. As early as 1998, a new method for the extraction of quantitative phase imaging by using partially coherent illumination and an ordinary transmission microscope was proposed by A. Barty et al., which can recover a phase even in the presence of amplitude modulation [1]. A solution for absolute phase measurements was presented by Cuche Etienne et al. [2]. They introduced digital reference wave and phase mask, which were applied in phase-contrast imaging and optical meteorology. This property of holograms offers phase-contrast techniques, which can be used in quantitative 3D imaging. The compensation of the inherent wave front curvature by subtracting the reference hologram in DHM for quantitative phase-contrast imaging is introduced by Ferraro, Pietro, et al. [3]. This simple method can be implemented efficiently under the ideal experimental conditions. The dual-wavelength phase-shifting digital holography that selectively extracts wavelength information from five wavelength-multiplexed holograms is presented by Tahara, Tatsuki, et al. [4]. The color hyperchaotic image encryption method by the DHM and CA encoding algorithm is proposed by Sichuan University, which has great security and robustness [5, 6]. It is an important application about digital holography. The enhanced quantitative three-dimensional measurement system is introduced by JaeYong Lee. It can simplify the configuration by a dual-peak quantum dot wavelength converter and a blue LED [7]. There are great researches for reducing speckle noise and increasing the speed of reconstruction [8–10]. We have successfully achieved the near real-time three-dimensional surface measurement by digital holography [11, 12].
      If the optical path difference is less than the equivalent wavelength, the real phase distribution of object can be directly obtained without phase unwrapping by the dual-wavelength digital holographic interferometry. If the optical path difference is greater than the equivalent wavelength, the phase unwrapping process will be simplified by dual-wavelength digital holographic interferometry. The noise immunity and the scope of phase unwrapping algorithms will be improved and expanded, respectively [13–15]. C. J. Mann obtained the measurement results of the surface height over several microns of range by three-wavelength digital holography [16]. The optical path length can be converted to physical thickness, and the sample height information will be provided. The dual-wavelength DHM imaging experiment of a stepped phase plate and the smoke particles ....

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