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A Novel Scanning Method Applied to New-Style Solar Telescope Based on Autoguiding System
时间:2018-10-03 22:36   来源:未知   作者:admin   点击:
       Abstract:To expand field of view (FOV) of telescope, the method of special scanning often is used, but, for some telescopes with special structure in optics and machine, the conventional scanning methods are unsuitable. This paper proposes a novel scanning method based on autoguiding system so as to expand the FOV of fiber array solar optical telescope (FASOT) in possession of the special structure in optics and machine. Meanwhile, corresponding experiments are conducted in the FASOT prototype, FASOT-1B, in order to demonstrate that, for both FASOT and FASOT-1B, the proposed scanning method is feasible. First of all, on the basis of the software and hardware characteristics of FASOT and FASOT-1B, the three key technologies related to the proposed scanning method are described: quickly locating and pointing the first scanning step, the closed-loop controlling of multistep scanning, and the disturbance suppression of every scanning step based on Kalman filter. Afterwards, experiments are conducted and corresponding results show that the proposed scanning method is robust for the random disturbances forced on every scanning step and able to meet the scanning requirement of both FASOT and FASOT-1B .
1. Introduction
      Fiber array solar optical telescope (FASOT) is a pioneer of Chinese giant solar telescope (CGST) [1], and it is a telescope which will be capable of conducting real-time, high-efficiency, high-precision spectropolarimetry of multiple magnetosensitive lines over a two-dimensional field of view, i.e., giving real-time 3D stokes measurements of multiple lines. Therefore, FASOT will act as a very efficient 3D spectropolarimeter and be capable of observing and inversing physical quantities in multiple heights of the solar atmosphere, especially the physical quantities associated with magnetic field [2, 3].
      The optical path of FASOT is depicted in Figure 1. Obviously, the optical path of FASOT is different from those of general-purpose telescopes. First of all, the light from solar is collected by the guiding optics of main telescope labeled as 1 in Figure 1 and then inputted to a field stop located at the Cassegrain focus plane of main telescope that splits the FOV into two parts. One smaller part (0.5’×0.5’) passes the light directly into the polarimetric system labeled as 2 in Figure 1 for the polarimetric measurement, and the remnant FOV is reflected vertically and used by the monitoring system labeled as 5 in Figure 1. Afterwards, the light modulated by the polarimeter is split into two beams with opposite polarization states (ordinary and extraordinary beams) and transmitted into integral field spectrographs and their detectors using integral field unit (IFU) with optical fibers so as to conduct two beams’ spectroimaging polarimetry. Due to the compact and symmetrical optics configuration of FASOT up to the polarization modulator, the additional polarization from instrument is minimized. On the other hand, a novel polarization demodulation technique named reduced optical switching demodulation [4] is adopted by FASOT to improve the polarimetric sensitivity and reduce the integration time. These technologies mentioned above will make FASOT obtain a polarimetric noise level on the order of .

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