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Acoustic Emission Source Localization System Using Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors and a Barycentric Coor
时间:2018-09-25 12:48   来源:未知   作者:admin   点击:
       Abstract:Structures and machines are very susceptible to some barely visible defects; acoustic emission (AE) is an effective technique of detecting defects and examining growth and location of these defects. In this paper, a new method was proposed to predict the position of the AE source. The dynamic strain signal from the AE source was acquired by fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors. Complex Morlet wavelet transform was used to extract narrowband signals from AE waves. It was proposed that the barycentric coordinate-based localization algorithm can be used to predict the coordinates of the AE source. The validation tests based on the designed AE detection system were performed on a 500 mm × 500 mm × 2 mm Al-alloy plate. The experimental results show that the proposed method is feasible.
1. Introduction
      The degradation of structural properties is well considered as an enormous threat for security and performance of structures and machines. Structural health monitoring (SHM) utilizes several kinds of sensors attached to or embedded in the monitored structures to detect the appearance, location, and severity of damage. Thus, SHM is imperative for damage detection and structural failure. Various methods have been researched for structural damage detection. These methods can be divided into two categories: model-based and signal-based approaches. The former develops suitable model and analyzes changes that relate to damage in the model; the latter extracts features and establishes a relationship between these features and potential damage [1–3]. Acoustic emission (AE) is one of the effective signal-based means implemented for damage detection [4].
      AE wave is generated by energy release due to a propagating crack or friction in structures. AE technique is used to detect, locate, and assess defects. To obtain AE wave, some AE sensors have been widely used, such as piezoelectric sensors (PZT) and capacitive AE sensors [5–8]. However, the traditional AE sensors have the disadvantages such as complex structure, weak antielectromagnetic interference, and unsuitability for distributed measurement. At present, fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors have been expected as an alternative because of their excellent performance. FBG sensors can be easily embedded in the monitored structure without destructive effect, due to their small size and light weight [9]. Furthermore, FBG sensors are immune to electromagnetic interference [10]. In addition, long-distance distributed measurement can be realized by using FBG sensors [11]. Therefore, some scholars have done several researches on AE source localization using FBG sensors [12, 13]. Yu et al. [14] investigated the effective length of the FBG sensor from the AE source on the composite plate. Yu et al. [15] proposed an AE source identification method based on the algebraic reconstruction algorithm and 3D imaging technique.
      Recently, an increasing number of AE source localization methods was developed based on the intelligent algorithm [16, 17]. Cheng et al. [18] applied an optimized wavelet neural network to realize AE source location in rotating machinery. Sadegh et al. [19] applied the genetic algorithm and artificial neural networks to extract features of AE signals for monitoring lubrication conditions of a journal bearing. However, in the intelligent algorithms used in those studies, lots of training samples were needed, which leaded to inefficiency and complexity of the localization process. Furthermore, AE source localization in plate-like structures usually requires lots of sensors. In particular, those approaches are usually accurate only within the convex area surrounded by sensors.
      Based on the previous studies, this paper presented a novel AE detection system based on FBG sensors and a new AE source location method. The AE signal was collected by the FBG sensor which was pasted on the structural surface. Barycentric coordinate-based location method was used to predict positioning. Different from the approaches mentioned above, the proposed method was developed based on only range measurements between sensors, not training samples. The AE source is not required to lie inside the convex area formed by sensors. At last, AE source location experiments were carried out to verify this new designed system and localization algorithm. The results show that it is an efficient and feasible method for AE source localization.

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