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Free Vibration Analysis of Rotating Pretwisted Functionally Graded Sandwich Blades
时间:2018-09-17 21:51   来源:未知   作者:admin   点击:
        Abstract:A new structural dynamic model for the free vibration characteristic analysis of rotating pretwisted functionally graded (FG) sandwich blades is developed. The sandwich blade is made up of two functionally graded skins and a homogeneous material core. The thick shell theory is applied to derive the basic equations of motion of the rotating FG sandwich blade by considering the effects of centrifugal and Coriolis forces. The mode shapes are expanded in terms of two-dimensional algebraic polynomials in the Rayleigh–Ritz method, and the static and dynamic natural frequencies of the blade are obtained. The convergence analysis is studied, and the accuracy of the proposed model is verified by comparing with the literature results and ANSYS data. The effects of frequency parameters such as the twist angle, the thickness ratio, the aspect ratio, the layer thickness ratio, the scalar parameter of volume fraction, the stagger angle, and the rotation velocity on the vibration characteristics for pretwist FG sandwich blade are investigated in detail. In addition, the phenomena of frequency locus veering and mode shape exchanging occur in the static and dynamic states. Frequency locus veering is essentially caused by the coupling between different modes.
1. Introduction
        The aero gas turbine engine is the key technology of the aircraft; blade is one of the most important parts of the system. Vibration, especially resonance of the blade, will produce larger stress, which will lead to fatigue failure. Thus, the dynamic behavior of rotating blades has been studied by numerous researchers.
       Some simplified blade models such as beams, plates, and shells are used to investigate the vibration characteristics of the blades in the published literatures. Leissa and Jacob [1] investigated the free vibration of pretwisted, cantilevered beams and plates by using the Ritz method. The work was the first three-dimensional study of the problem. Yoo et al. [2] derived the equations of motion with a concentrated mass by using a modeling method with hybrid deformation variables and investigated the effects of the nondimensional parameters on the vibration characteristics of the pretwisted rotating blade through numerical analysis. Chandiramani et al. [3] simplified the pretwisted rotating blade as a laminated composite, hollow uniform box-beam model, which considers the centrifugal and Coriolis effects, transverse shear flexibility, and restrained warping, and studied the free and forced vibration by using HSDT and Galerkin method. Carrera et al. [4] used the Carrera unified formulation and FEM to study the free vibration analysis of rotating blades; the Coriolis and centrifugal force fields were included in their work.
       The beam models are quite suitable for blades with large aspect ratio and low width thickness ratio. However, flexible rotating structures such as blades with low aspect ratios are also widely used in actual engineering applications. Therefore, more and more literatures were found to study the vibration of blade with plate and shell models.
       Qatu and Leissa [5] were the first to study the effect of plate parameters such as twist angle, stacking sequence, and lamination angle on the natural frequency and mode shapes of laminated composite pretwisted cantilever plates by using the shallow shell theory and Ritz method. Nabi and Ganesan [6] analyzed the vibration characteristics of metal matrix composite pretwisted blades by using beam and plate theories, respectively, and summed up the quantitative comparison of natural frequency. Yoo and Chung [7] developed a linear dynamic modeling method for plates by using two in-plane stretch variables and analyzed and studied the transient characteristics of rotating plates. Hu et al. [8] proposed a numerical procedure for the free vibration analysis of pretwisted thin plates based on the thin shell theory and studied the vibration characteristics considering different twist rates and aspect ratios. Hashemi et al. [9] used the Mindlin plate theory and Kane dynamic method to develop a finite element formulation for vibration analysis of rotating thick plates. The coupling between in-plane and out-of-plane deformations and Coriolis effect was considered in the study. Sinha and Turner [10] derived the governing partial differential equation of motion for the rotating pretwisted plate by using the thin shell theory and studied the free vibration of a turbomachinery cantilevered airfoil blade with the Rayleigh–Ritz technique by considering the centrifugal force filed as a quasi-static load. Sun et al. [11] presented a dynamic model based on CLPT, investigated the vibration behavior of a rotating blade by using Hamilton’s principle, and studied the point and distribution forced response using a proportional damping model.

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