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Outage Analysis and Power Allocation Optimization for Multiple Energy-Harvesting Relay System Using S
时间:2018-09-17 12:27   来源:未知   作者:admin   点击:
        Abstract:Energy harvesting (EH) combined with cooperative relying plays a promising role in future wireless communication systems. We consider a wireless multiple EH relay system. All relays are assumed to be EH nodes with simultaneous wireless and information transfer (SWIPT) capabilities, which means the relays are wirelessly powered by harvesting energy from the received signal. Each EH node separates the input RF signal into two parts which are, respectively, for EH and information transmission using the power splitting (PS) protocol. In this paper, a closed-form outage probability expression is derived for the cooperative relaying system based on the characteristic function of the system’s probability density function (PDF) with only one relay. With the approximation of the outage probability expression, three optimization problems are built to minimize the outage probability under different constraints. We use the Lagrange method and Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (KKT) condition to solve the optimization problems to jointly optimize the relay’s PS factors and the transmit power. Numerical results show that our derived expression of the outage probability is accuracy and gives insights into the effect of various system parameters on the performance of protocols. Meanwhile, compared with the no optimal condition, our proposed optimization algorithms can all offer superior performance under different system constraints.
1. Introduction
       Recently, with the development of wireless communication networks, energy consumption has become a serious increasing problem. As a result, green communications have attracted many researchers’ attention. Energy harvesting (EH), which can gain energy from the environment, appears to be an effective technique for green communications and has great potential to extend the lifetime of communication devices [1, 2]. On the contrary, cooperative relaying is an effective technique to improve the coverage of wireless networks, avoid the decrease of communication quantity caused by channel fading, and increase the channel gain. So, how to use EH in such networks with multiple relays is an interesting topic.
        Plenty of studies have already been carried out about wireless systems which harvest energy from the environment. An optimal packet-scheduling strategy is proposed in [3] in order to minimize the transmission time in the EH wireless communication system using additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels. The traffic load and available energy are considered in order to adaptively change the transmission rate. Under the same AWGN channel scenario, an optimal energy allocation scheme which maximizes the throughput is obtained in [4] with the use of dynamic programming and convex optimization techniques. The AWGN channel capacity under energy constrains is studied in [5]. It is proved that given sufficient energy supply, the AWGN channel capacity of the EH model equals the capacity of the continuous energy supply model. A peer-to-peer communication system is analyzed in [3–5] without considering relays. In the literature [6], a communication system where the source and relays are EH nodes is considered. Its main work is to maximize the peer-to-peer system throughput using joint relay selection and power allocation schemes. For a slow-fading channel, Li et al. [7] analyze an EH cooperative relaying network and derive the closed-form outage probability expression for the proposed protocol. Different from others, multiple source-destination pairs with an EH relay in a wireless cooperative network is considered in [8], and a power allocation scheme of the harvested energy is proposed. Meanwhile, the water-flooding method is used to achieve a better balance between the system performance and complexity.

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