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Gas Bubbles Investigation in Contaminated Water Using Optical Tomography Based on Independent Compone
时间:2017-11-14 22:14   来源:未知   作者:admin   点击:
       Abstract:This paper presents the results of concentration profiles for gas bubble flow in a vertical pipeline containing contaminated water using an optical tomography system. The concentration profiles for the bubble flow quantities are investigated under five different flows conditions, a single bubble, double bubbles, 25% of air opening, 50% of air opening, and 100% of air opening flow rates where a valve is used to control the gas flow in the vertical pipeline. The system is aided by the independent component analysis (ICA) algorithm to reconstruct the concentration profiles of the liquid-gas flow. The behaviour of the gas bubbles was investigated in contaminated water in which the water sample was prepared by adding 25 mL of colour ingredients to 3 liters of pure water. The result shows that the application of ICA has enabled the system to detect the presence of gas bubbles in contaminated water. This information provides vital information on the flow inside the pipe and hence could be very significant in increasing the efficiency of the process industries.
1. Introduction
       Information about the flow regime in a process vessel or pipelines is important so as to design an accurate, safe, and low cost conveying system in various applications such as chemical engineering and nuclear engineering [1]. The flow regime identification is also vital in evaluating the performance of a process system since incorrect analysis from the system can lead to the reduction of production rates. Hence, an appropriate instrumentation system is essential in providing vital information on the flow patterns. The tomography technique has been selected extensively in the industrial field as a tool to provide information about the phase and spatial distribution without interrupting the process flow [2]. Before being applied in the industry, the technique has been successfully implemented in the medical field where it is responsible for capturing images of body tissue and detecting tumour [3]. A tomography system consists of several parts such as sensors, signal conditioning circuit, a data acquisition system, and a computer. There are many types of sensors that have been used in process tomography, that is, electrical capacitance, electrical resistance, ultrasonic, and optical. In this paper, an optical sensing technique has been selected to be integrated into the tomography system due to its low cost, being straightforward, and having a better dynamic response [4]. Many researchers have published their result using the optical sensor in order to monitor the movement of gas, liquid, and solid. Idroas et al. [5] have successfully applied an optical tomography system for particle sizing identification using sample of beads and irregular shaped nut. Rzasa and Plaskowski [6] have presented gas bubbles measurement using an optical tomography system in a vertical aeration column. Ibrahim et al. [7] proposed a concentration measurement using halogen bulbs as light projectors to reconstruct images of small and large gas bubbles. This paper describes the analysis of gas bubble detection in a pipeline filled with contaminated water. Investigation on gas bubble behaviour in industry such as food and pharmaceutical is vital since the existence of unwanted bubbles can reduce the quality of product [8]. Previous research on gas bubbles measurement in the tomography field was conducted by Rzasa [9], Jin et al. [10], and Ayob et al. [11] which used pure water as a liquid. Generally, the unwanted gas bubbles are in the form of opaque liquid such as oil and paint. Therefore, this paper proposed a technique for imaging the gas bubbles in which the investigation was carried out using opaque liquid.

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