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Bifurcation of Lane Change and Control on Highway for Tractor-Semitrailer under Rainy Weather
时间:2017-10-22 22:24   来源:未知   作者:admin   点击:
       Abstract:A new method is proposed for analyzing the nonlinear dynamics and stability in lane changes on highways for tractor-semitrailer under rainy weather. Unlike most of the literature associated with a simulated linear dynamic model for tractor-semitrailers steady steering on dry road, a verified 5DOF mechanical model with nonlinear tire based on vehicle test was used in the lane change simulation on low adhesion coefficient road. According to Jacobian matrix eigenvalues of the vehicle model, bifurcations of steady steering and sinusoidal steering on highways under rainy weather were investigated using a numerical method. Furthermore, based on feedback linearization theory, taking the tractor yaw rate and joint angle as control objects, a feedback linearization controller combined with AFS and DYC was established. The numerical simulation results reveal that Hopf bifurcations are identified in steady and sinusoidal steering conditions, which translate into an oscillatory behavior leading to instability. And simulations of urgent step and single-lane change in high velocity show that the designed controller has good effects on eliminating bifurcations and improving lateral stability of tractor-semitrailer, during lane changing on highway under rainy weather. It is a valuable reference for safety design of tractor-semitrailers to improve the traffic safety with driver-vehicle-road closed-loop system.
1. Introduction
       Tractor-semitrailer, as an articulated vehicle system, has complex nonlinear dynamic characteristics. Vehicle dynamics bifurcation mechanisms and driving stability have basically been confirmed based on nonlinear theory and tire mechanics. Early works on this subject have established three degrees of freedom (DOF) dynamic model with simplified nonlinear tire formula, which are essential for a clear understanding of the system’s nonlinear stability [1, 2]. Due to the special articulated structure, jackknife and coordination stability have drawn wide attention. Dunn et al. rigorously developed a 15-state model using Lagrange’s method and studied in detail the effects on jackknife stability when using brakes under different road adhesion coefficients [3–5]. To protect the vehicle from spinning and realize improved cornering performance, van de Molengraft-Luijten et al. employed the Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion and bifurcation theory method to get a system equilibrium approximation near the zero value for the forward speed and front wheel steering angle, which revealed the vehicle’s instability under high speeds and substantial steering [6, 7]. Similarly, Ding et al. explained some instability phenomena of the vehicle system such as jackknifing, sideslip, and spinning by correlating them with the behavior in the neighborhood of unstable fixed points based on analysis of eigenvectors, phase trajectories, and status of lateral tire force saturation [8]. Sadri and Wu investigated Lyapunov concept exponents and applications to analyze the stability for the nonlinear vehicle in plane motion with a third-order polynomial tire model [9]. In addition, the existing literatures focus on bifurcation application analysis for the stability assessment of a complex railway vehicle model [10, 11].
       Moreover, vehicle/driver and vehicle/driver/road cooperation systems and influence parameters were introduced for tractor-semitrailer nonlinearity investigations [12–15]. To study vehicle Hopf bifurcation and chaos characteristics and variation in pilot model parameters and to discuss the qualitative motion behavior near the critical speed, Rossa et al. proposed a simple 3DOF closed-loop vehicle/driver model [16, 17]. Li et al. presented a nonlinear vehicle-road coupled model and analyzed the dynamic behaviors of a nonlinear system using a numerical integration method [18]. With a closed-loop system of articulated heavy vehicles with driver steering control, Liu et al. employed an integration method to derive an analytical periodic solution of the system in the neighborhood of the critical speed and analyzed supercritical and subcritical Hopf bifurcations [19]. Koglbauer et al. paid close attention to drivers’ workload and effort in different road conditions [20]. Bie et al. proposes a weather factor model built by introducing weather factors to free flow speed, capacity, and critical density and plugged it into traffic control [21]. Tang et al. investigated the road condition and driver characteristics on the lane change driving trajectory and traffic safety, such as lane number, driver’s time delay, and perception ability effect [22–27]. Related researches are helpful to master the interactions of vehicle, driver, and work environment.

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