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Preparing Students for Global Citizenship: The Effects of a Dutch Undergraduate Honors Course
时间:2017-09-10 22:53   来源:未知   作者:admin   点击:
       Abstract:Using a mixed method approach, this case study investigates effects on the participating students () of an undergraduate honors course in the Netherlands, aimed at global justice citizenship. Knowledge about effects of global citizenship courses is still limited. The Ethical Sensitivity Scale Questionnaire and the Global Citizenship Scale were used in a pre- and posttest design to measure possible development in the moral and civic domain among the participants of the course. In the qualitative part, deductive content analyses of students’ work and students’ written reflection on the course, utilizing the theory-based curriculum guidelines Global Justice Citizenship Education, were performed. In addition, a follow-up blog and interview were analyzed to learn students’ perception on the effects of the course after half a year. Quantitative results show increased ethical sensitivity as well as global civic engagement and global competence among the participants. Qualitative results point in the same direction and provide deeper insights in the content of students’ learning and the perceived impact of the course on their attitudes and behavior. Results are discussed in relation to theory on justice-oriented global citizenship and honors pedagogies.
1. Introduction
       Preparing undergraduate honors students for their role as citizens of the world is an important task in higher education, given the challenges global society faces [1]. Furthermore, research indicates an above-average interest among honors students in moral issues and the wider world (see [2, 3] for a review). Nevertheless, global citizenship receives little attention in higher education and few studies consider the effects of global citizenship education on undergraduates [4]. It has been argued that such programs enable them to lead a responsible and moral life [5]. As discussed by Colby et al. [4], this effect has been demonstrated for service learning, which combines community service with academic learning and personal development. For example Lee et al. [2] found that gifted high-school students had an enhanced awareness of civic issues, increased motivation to engage in social issues in their communities, and new understanding and respect for diversity after a three-week service learning program.
        In this study, we connect to the justice-oriented approach of global citizenship that includes a desire to improve society [6].
       We conceptualize global citizenship similarly to Westheimer and Kahne’s justice approach to global citizenship [7], which implies that “global citizens” take informed action based upon insights in structural causes of global injustice or sustainability issues. Next to this, our conceptualization of global citizenship includes a global approach to citizenship, as, in this globalized world, justice and sustainable issues unmistakably contain a global dimension. This global dimension is connected to Nussbaum’s moral cosmopolitism [8, 9], especially regarding the abilities to think as citizen of the world and to imagine what it would be like to be in the position of someone quite different from yourself.
       In the light of this conceptualization of global citizenship and based on literature about (global) justice-oriented citizenship education, curriculum guidelines were developed for the knowledge, moral, and social domain. A learning environment that combines elements from these three domains acknowledges the needs of gifted students [10–12]. We call these curriculum guidelines Global Justice Citizenship Education (GJCE). For an overview, see Table 1. In short, these curriculum guidelines concern the following.

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