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Development of Emotional Skills through Interdisciplinary Practices Integrated into a University Curr
时间:2017-09-10 22:51   来源:未知   作者:admin   点击:
        Abstract:The emotional profile of university students has been related to both academic performance and professional success. Such evidence has led higher education professionals to ask whether students can be trained in emotional skills at university stage. However, learning specific emotional skills requires a considerable investment of time from students. This paper presents an intervention aimed at developing emotional skills through interdisciplinary teamwork, without adding specific courses that could decrease the time that students devote to their core studies. The results indicated that working in interdisciplinary teams improved the level of emotional skills without hindering the attainment of academic objectives.
1. Introduction
1.1. Emotional Skills and the Professional World
       The business world has long been interested in the characteristics or abilities of professionals that improve a company’s performance. In response to this interest, research on the skills of successful employees has been conducted. In their analyses of these skills, various authors [1–6] have concluded that general and emotional intelligence (EI) and personality factors are part of the complex network of skills required to successfully perform professional activities.
       Researchers such as Caruso and Salovey [7] and Goleman [3] have theorized that EI contributes to the ability of individuals to work effectively in teams and manage work stress. EI can contribute to the quality of human relationships in the workplace because emotions have communicative and social functions: they pass on information regarding thoughts and intentions and help facilitate social encounters [8].
       EI seems to not only help improve the working environment but also increase effectiveness at work. Numerous studies support the relationship between emotional skills and performance [9–15]. EI contributes to performance in the workplace, enabling individuals to establish and cultivate positive relationships, work effectively as part of a team, and build social capital [3, 7]. Work performance often depends on support, advice, and other resources provided by third parties [16]. However, EI can also enhance performance by enabling individuals to independently manage their emotions to effectively address stress, perform efficiently under pressure, and adapt to organizational changes [17].
1.2. Emotional Skills and the Academic World
       The scientific evidence presented in the previous section highlights the positive relationship between work and emotional skills. Given that the university setting represents the stage that precedes entrance into the world of work, scientists have wondered about the possible relationships between emotional skills and their influence in the university context.
        Among the numerous studies that analyze the emotional profile of university students, those that relate this profile to academic performance [18–20], to gender [21, 22], to the development of the emotional skills required by companies [23, 24], or to burnout syndrome [25–27] stand out.
        In addition, higher education professionals have asked if training students in this type of skill is possible during their time at university, given that one of the main objectives of universities is to promote employment and train highly efficient professionals to address the needs of society [28].
        The Bologna Declaration [29], which summarizes approaches to the creation of a common European “space” of higher education before 2010, emphasized the importance of education (in terms of student acquisition of skills, abilities, competencies, and values) by adopting a new methodology oriented toward the learning of skills, including emotional skills. Similarly, the Tuning Educational Structures in Europe Project [28] develops professional profiles, learning outcomes, and skills that are desirable in terms of generic competencies related to each area of study. A number of these competencies are closely related to EI. In fact, they relate to individual capabilities with regard to expressing one’s feelings and social skills, including interpersonal skills and the ability to work in teams.

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